Friday, October 17, 2014

Calm before the storm. Looking back and forward.

Already a month has passed. It's challenging to put in words, how great it's been to organize one's head through writing. I'm finally getting a closure for some thoughts, archiving others, and kicking out the rest. With a sweep of a keyboard; I'm freeing space for new ideas, and energy to revisit the old ones that deserve it.

Additionally, it makes me happy to hear most of you have found this blog to be useful/fun to read. The support and feedback has been great and helpful. Thank you so much.

The last week has been a silent one, though. During that, I've been on an autumn holiday with my loved ones. It's been a personal retreat from things I'm expected to do; and to dedicate time on things dear to me. Even if Sailfish OS has a very special place in my heart, it's consuming work.

Never the less, it's been a fun week off. We made an outdoor movie theater for my oldest daughter and her birthday guests. Everyone had equally fun in watching a movie outside in the woods, as we did while devicing the set for it. It was a great experience to sit in the dark and nippy autumn weather; on top of camping mattresses with blankets and pillows. Accompanied by both forest and plush animals. Not to forget the usual movie goers assorted treats.

Another personal post-kids-bedtime project I've been sinking some hours in, was a small mobile speaker for Jolla phone. It's a sturdy plywood housing, that also has a place for the phone. It's aimed to entertain the back seat passengers, during some unwieldy drives we Finns have to put up with.

The last one is more elusive project. Still partially in the dark and rough around edges, but it definitely has potential. For a long time now, it's the one thing I've become really excited about. However, I want to be sure about few things before making any bigger announcements. And this time around, I don't need a company tied to it. Just people with open minds, big hearts, helpful hands, and few some odd hours to spare for a good fun.

Before that, there's a few more posts coming. And a lot more work to get done.

Have a relaxing weekend and see you next week.

Thanks for reading and see you in the next post. In the meantime, agree or disagree, debate or shout. Bring it on and spread the word.

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